Christian missionary radio evangelism

Brief Bio


   This brief biography is provided for readers of this Christian web site. This bio is provided for listeners of my weekly radio program over the air waves into many parts of the world. Also, this bio is for other ordained ministry members of the church around the world regardless of the name of the denomination or group affiliations of these members in the body of Christ. Finally, this bio is for the curious observer who want to know what qualifications does one have to officially preach,teach and minister God's word in the church and to the world.

Academics, theologians and other formally Biblically educated ministers who rightfully desire to know, my academic qualifications follows:

Diploma (2 yr): Word of Faith Bible Institute 1986

B.A.  Bible with Greek: East Coast Bible College 1988

M.Div with Hebrew: Regent University Divinity School 2012


Diploma credits transferred into B.A., plus ECBC credits was 132 credits and M.Div was 90 credits.

Total of 222 credits for three degrees.

Biblical Greek 12 credits ( four courses and exegesis)

Biblical Hebrew 12 credits ( four courses and exegesis)


Normally, most schools who do offer languages.

They only offer 2 courses of six credits of either language which is not enough to do any serious exegesis.

Many schools do not offer original language studies and this is a great error. It appears, most schools and denominations do not want

serious bible students who may challenge religious dogma or denomination doctrine statements.

This cheats students out of doing serious deep biblical doctrine study.

After thirty years of preaching/teaching God's word,

I strongly suggest all pastors,preachers-teachers take

formal both Biblcial language studies to better qualify and enhance yourself to preach God's word.

There are no acceptable excuses to ignore God's word in the original languages in today's church.

"Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

2 Timothy 2:15




Author: Gospel Tract: "What in Hell do you Want?" (c) 2003

     "      Adult Discipleship: Believers Course, Fourteen weeks of Deeper Biblical Basics  (Revised 2010 ) ( Free on my web site)

     "      Book In Progress: Pentecost: Baptism in the Holy Spirit, What you need to Know!

                              ( Possible modifications to book title upon completion.)

Author: Bumper Sticker: "Give Your Life To Jesus Christ"

    "       Sweat Shirt  & Tee shirt: (Front side) "Give Your Life to Jesus Christ" (Back) "Ask Me How"

     "      Sweat Shirt & Tee Shirt (Front) "The Kingdom of God Is At Hand, Repent And Believe The Gospel," Jesus Christ Mk 1:15

                                                    (Back) " God Commands All People Everywhere To Repent"  Acts 7:30  



Sermons Preach/Taught since 1987: One Thousand Six Hundred (1600+)

License Minister 1989-91 Church of God, Cleveland. Tenn. 

Ordained Minister 1991-94 Church of God, Cleveland, Tenn.

Ordained 1994 to 2022: Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches and Ministers International

Ordained Minister 2022-present, Church of God, Cleveland, Tenn.


Church Co-founder, Associate Pastor, Gospel Tent Preacher,Radio Evangelism Ministry

Many other ministry outreaches to public such as guest speaker at rescue missions, prisions, nursing homes,

street wittnessing and daily wittnessing to whoever. 


Born Again: 1961 (age nine)

Recommitted: 1979

Baptism in Holy Spirit: 1979

Called by the Lord: 1979

Baptized in Water: 1983

Began preaching 1987


1.   Born in 1952 in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania to parents who where both born and lived in Bethlehem. My grandparents on both sides of the family lived in Bethlehem since the late 1800's on Mother's side and early 1900's on my father's side. My named grandfather moved from St John's Bay, New Foundland in 1909. The Hammond genealogy history lived and many still live today in St Johns Bay,NF. The Genealogy reveals the Hammond name, the first name listed on its official tax collection records in 1794. The family probably lived in St.John's Bay before any official tax records where kept. The genealogy reveals former family members lived earlier on "The Isle of Mann" also called "Isle of Man" in the earlier 1700's and possibly some family members lived on "The Jersey Isles" near England and France. Before this time, we trace the family line back to Prague, Czech into the 1600's. The records are lost before this time though it is probable there is a earlier family time connection to England. It is interesting to note, Dr John Hammond was the court Physician to King James 1, who authorized the King James Bible in 1611.  We cannot claim certain genealogy connection but it is interesting to note. 

2.   Nevertheless, going back to Prague, I can not say with any certainty, if any family members lived during the time of Jan Hus (John Huss)  and hearing his preaching in the "Bethlehem Chapel" in Prague in the early 1400's. Jan Hus died in 1415AD and is credited with the founding of the beginning of the Protestant movement. The Moravian church founded Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in 1741 under Nicolaus Ludwig, Count Von Zinzendorf who named Bethlehem on Christmas Eve December 25th 1741 and claims association with Jan Huss.

3.  The Moravians lived in Moravia, Czech and associates its history as the oldest Protestant denomination in the world with Jan Hus. One of my graduate degree research paper's traced the founding of The Moravian Church. It discovered they experienced their own church Pentecost in 1727 according to ZinZendorf. Immediately thereafter, they started their 100 year 24/7 prayer meeting in Moravia. Soon thereafter, their missions program was established and they came to America into Savannah, Georgia in 1739. They then traveled by ship who George Whitfield owned into Philadelphia then land travel up to Nazareth, Pennsylvania who Evangelist Rev. George Whitefield, owned, named and founded as an educational center for the children orphanage he founded in Savannah called "Bethesda." This is the oldest continued orphanage in America and operates today in the same place. I have visited this orphanage several years ago. Rev. George Whitefield ( The great awakening of America time frame evangelist.), hired the Moravians to construct the buildings at Nazareth in 1740. One year latter the Moravians founded Bethlehem, Pennsylvania as their missionary sending town to preach the gospel. Their prayer meeting continued all this time for the remaining of the 100 years while in Bethlehem.)

4. The Moravian Rev. Peter Bohler greatly influenced John Wesley during John's search for Salvation by faith, not works. While at Oxford, England, John was convicted with unbelief and want of faith whereby alone we are saved. John was ready to stop preaching on holiness standards because of his uncertainness about his own soul. There he asked Peter, if he should stopped preaching for "want can I preach?" Peter told John to "preach faith til you have it and then because you have it, you will preach faith"  concerning faith alone in Christ for salvation. ( Holiness living is after salvation.) This and their stormy sea journey to Savannah, a letter from Bohler and the London Aldersgate meeting of Luthers preface to the book of Romans brought salvation understanding of faith to John Wesley.  Thereafter, John went on to be the great preacher he became. Including his Baptism in the Holy Spirit at Aldersgate. John regarded Peter as an elder figure and mentor. Peter Bohler lived in Bethlehem for several years. See: on The Moravians and John Wesley. I have read several of Wesley's books at the Moravian Theological Library here in Bethlehem.)  

 5.  Whitefield purchased the land he called Nazareth from William Penn's granddaughter " Ann." William Penn was a Quaker preacher from England who's father was Admiral Sir William Penn of the Royal Navy under King Charles II.  William was given the land by King Charles as a financial debt he owed to his Father Admiral Penn. William founded his "Holy Experiment" plan in Pennsylvania ( Penn's woods) with the purpose of given new land to any persecuted Christian in Europe. His founding included  giving voting rights to all citizens in Pennsylvania 1682. This was the first time in world history that the common person had the right to vote for their elected officials. Penn gave guidance to the voters by saying, the Christian voters should vote according to Christian values and principles. Noting that the Christian will be held accountable to Christ on the judgment day for how they voted. Also, any person elected by the voter would be held accountable for how they managed the affairs of the people or state on the same judgment day. This was history in the making with voting rights given through a servant of God, A preacher of Christ gave voting rights to common people.  This is first time in human history for everyday people to vote for their elected officials. The founders of the US Constitution acknowledge William Penn's governing principles.  Would the church today vote according to biblical values and principles? Williams Penn's "Holy Experiment" is not dead nor did it fail. It is only not known nor understood by the masses in the churches of America because not enough people talk about it!

 6. The connection of all this Christian history with this biography is unusual, fascinating and God glorifying. As if, born out of due time to continue the connection that God had established through previous generations in order to tell the story which leads to Christ as Saviour. I hope this is received with open hearts and open minds on how God appointed one of his servants to preach Christ today in the 21st Century.

7  My grandfather, Thomas after leaving St. Johns Bay to come to Bethlehem, first lived in Manhattan, NYC,met and married  grandmother in  "The little church around the Corner"  Manhattan, NYC.  New Yorkers are familiar with this historic church in Manhatten.NYC. The Hammond genealogy traces its Christian roots to both Protestant and Catholic backgrounds. "The little church around the Corner" was Episcopal. The Church of England renamed itself in America and called itself Episcopal. My Grandfather Thomas was of the Catholic tradition but married in the Episcopal church. However, after being dissatisfied with his Catholic church surroundings in Bethlehem, he and Grandmother visited and became members of the Emmanuel Evangelical Congregational Church in Bethlehem in 1924. They remained members until each one passed on to the Lord.

  8. My father was the oldest of four children was age thirteen at the time of Grandfather joining this congregation. This was a conservative Evangelical church that grew to over five hundred members in the 1960's. My Father, Milton or (Milt) told us that he got saved in a gospel tent meeting here in Bethlehem. I do not know who was preaching when this happened. History shows that Billy Sunday visited the EC Church to preach in the 20's. Billy Graham preached there in the 60's.

9.  All the family attended ECC.I was raised in this same church. During Sunday School catechism in 1961, I gave my life to Jesus Christ by asking him and accepting him as my Savior.  I knew exactly what I was doing when praying to accept Christ.The elder lady teaching this Sunday School class gave the seven or eight of us youth an altar call. I responded with a full conscience of knowing and believing in Jesus Christ. Oh yes, born again new birth at age nine. I knew it was real with out any doubt. Fully conscience of this fact and it was clear in my soul and felt good in my body. I was now in Christ in his church that he oversees.

10. A few years thereafter, as a young teenager, I was riding my Bicycle on market street only one block or so from my home. All of a sudden, I saw who I believed to be the Lord Jesus appearing to me in a day vision. The appearance was only a few seconds but it startled me. I road home into the front of the yard  and saw my father and one of my older brothers. I told both that I believed that Jesus Christ appeared to me. I do not recall anything being said to me by the Lord but only his appearance to me in day vision. Neither my dad nor my brother said anything about it. Maybe they thought that I was out of it somehow.  Decades passed by, I had forgotten about this until my older brother who is an UCC ordained minister for many years reminded me of that day.

11. As the years moved onward, I began to backslid into sin. When looking back in hindsight, the one cause of this backsliding was probably because of not having older men talk,counsel and mentor me somewhat on living life in Christ. The other cause was my own curious will about some things in life that all young males probably encounter and have to deal with its temptations.

12. As the years moved onward, I did not do well in public school. My grades were below average because of not being interested in the majority of classes in grades 7-12. The exception where classes or courses about business. I thought this was practical learning which could be used in life. Most of the other courses where near meaningless to me. My favorite time in high school was during study hall. This is where I could close my eyes and rest. I never did study in study hall during high school. I graduated from high school in 1971. The high school year book contains no accomplishments stated behind my name.

13. After high school, I was hitchhiking through the main street in Allentown, Pennsylvania one night. There was no one around and few cars. This was the main road to go to Bethlehem. It was right in front a church on the corner. I had a talk with the Lord while waiting for a next car to come by. I told the Lord that I knew that we was the Lord and did want to serve him. However, I wanted to find out about some things of life on my own first and then I'll return to him. Immediately, after praying this audible prayer, A twenty old something girl walked in front of me out of now where. She had a bible in her hand. She asked me, if I wanted to attend a bible study with her. I said no, not now and a car stopped to pick me up.She walked into that church building. The church was where they kept the Liberty Bell during the Revolutionary war in 1776.

14. I felt God was giving me a chance to choose him or the world. It was his grace to give me that chance that night. I reluctantly choose the temporary worldliness that my prayer talked about. In hindsight, this was a very dangerous thing to do.

15. Shortly thereafter, a high school friend and my-self hitchhiked across the US to California and back again. We slept outside in sleeping bags most of time We wanted to see America, the only way we could afford was hitchhiking.The trip took six weeks. I will not go into telling all the stories about this adventure due to the shortness of this Bio. However, upon returning home, we worked to get some more money and hitchhiked down to the Florida Keys. Upon returning from that trip, I received a letter in the mail stating that  I needed to register for a possible Military draft. The Vietnam war was going on and the Military draft was being used. The last time the draft was used in the US before Vietnam was WW2.

16.  After talking things over with my Father who enlisted in the Navy during WW2 and knowing my older brother who was already ten years in the Navy, I thought it was wise to enlist in the NAVY rather than taking the chance of being drafted. When your drafted, you have no choice of which branch of the military to serve. If you meet the physical and mental qualifications, you are told which branch you will go to for the next four years which is most likely the Army.

17. I enlisted in the Navy four years and qualified to become a radioman. I served in the Navy on shore base four years in a Communications Station at a Submarine Base then reenlisted for two more years to get onboard a US Destroyer as a radioman.  After five years, I made it to the rank of 2nd Class Petty Officer. I held Top Secret, Cryptology and Special Category level clearances. Non of these are easy to get but the jobs that I had required all of them. If your are qualified,The Navy choose's you for these clearances and positions. They are good indicators for promotions to the next rank levels. You can not volunteer to be a candidate but chosen by the military to be a candidate, asked then investigated. Background investigations and trustworthiness to the Constitution and Navy are proven out. However, you are still watched in a general way so as to not abuse your position or sell out to enemy's of the USA. The worse abuses of this has come from sell out traitors in the Navy communications field. There names can be found doing an internet search. I was committed to my oath as a US Navy sailor and citizen. My word and honor was important to me even at this young age.  I'm a conservative Constitutional law abiding man. Who knows God has chosen America from its earliest founding to be a light for the Gospel of Christ to all nations. However, during these Navy years my life was more focused on the fun times being a single young man and travel the globe.

18. The Navy showed every indication that they wanted me to stay in for a career. But during this time in life, I was not sure what to do and had to think things over more deeply. Eventually, I was discharged from active duty but volunteered to stay in the Naval Reserves for nearly two years.

19. During all those Navy years my backsliding continued. I drank beer and scotch whiskey when on liberty. I had many female acquaintances in many sea ports. Almost married a girl in Connecticut when stationed on land duty during those first four years. I was backslidden from following Christ but always conscience that I needed to return to the Lord. God had set things up to let me know in certain ways that he was still waiting for me. God even arranged for me to get shore duty those first four years which is almost unheard of for a young sailor. The land base duty prevented my from going to sea into Vietnam waters. It was God's will for me to stay on land base duty.

20.Years later, he had a young woman witness to me about the Lord when I came walling out of a  down town bar on the streets of Norfolk, VA in 1977. I told her, I knew the Lord Jesus but was backslidden. I said, I just wanted to see what the world was like before returning to the Lord. In retrospect, the Lord could have let me die somewhere out there because of my own rebellion against him. If he would have then I would have gone straight down to Hades for torment then wait for Christ's final judgement into Hell.

21. Upon discharged from the Navy yet serving in the Naval Reserve in Bethlehem, Pa., I worked on the Railroad as a laborer. We pulled old railroad ties out from under the rails to replace with new ties. One year latter, I was promoted to signal maintenance man to maintain the railroad crossing signals. During those eighteen months, I drank more scotch and was into the disco dancing craze. I had more girlfriends but did not want to settle down with anyone.

22. Becoming very restless, I quit the railroad, left my nice apartment and moved south to Houston,Texas for a change of atmosphere. Got a job, a new apartment and visited the high end bars and lounges for some lady friends. It was during this time that things caught up with me.  It finally hit me! I was sick and tired of roaming the world for personal pleasures. I had to make a decision one way or the other. So, I left that lounge and walked across the street back to the new apartment. Almost got hit by a car in that parking lot outside of the lounge.

23. I got face down on the apartment floor and cried out to God. All night long, I cried out to God and repented of every sin that came into my mind. I asked the Lord, if he would take me back. I asked the Lord many times this same question and repented all night long with real tears of sorrow for living life my own sinful way. I was sick of life and wanted to come back to the Lord, if we would have me. I was on that floor about six hours when the sun came up shinning. I got up and looked out the glass sliding door feeling like a new man. I felt a wonderful peace all over me.  I did not feel guilty with sins anymore. I knew the Lord forgave me. I knew he took me back into his care. I was forgiven and everything was forgotten by the Lord.  This recommitment happened on Monday October 8th 1979. 

24. The same day I quit work and bought an airline ticket back to Bethlehem, Pa.  The apartment manager of that new big complex even gave me my deposit back with a smile when I told her I came back to the Lord and wanted to go back to Bethlehem. The airline ticket cost $200 and that is all the money I had. I flew back to Bethlehem from Houston. Called my Father to ask him, if I could come back home until I knew what I was going to do. He said sure, come on back home. The Lord opened the doors for my return. The Lord was going to let me know what he wanted me to do for him. The "prodigal son" returned. To my surprise, I would learn that the Lord had plans for me with work to be done that would effect many thousands of people all over the world.  He would make it very clear about those details.


25. The next ten or so days, I was reading my Bible. This Bible was given to me in 1961 at the Evangelical Congregational Church in Bethlehem, Pa after completing youth catechism classes. However,during those catechism classes, I gave my hear to the Lord Jesus when the teacher a Mrs..... I forget her name but will find it somehow, gave a salvation call to accept Jesus as Lord. I did accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour in a very sincere and meaningful way. This Bible was given to me by the Rev. Boody, Senior Pastor of the church. It was like very new with the pages sticking together because I never read that Bible in all those years, 1961-1979.

26. I was reading the book of Matthew and paging through the gospels not knowing what I was doing or looking for but reading here and there in the Gospels. I was wondering about the Holy Spirit spoken by Jesus. During these first ten or so days, I was listening to Gospel music all the time on the radio. All day, all night and woke up to the music on the radio air. I was worshiping the Lord allot, nearly all the time during those hours of each day. I would say the name of Jesus over and over again in my mind many hundreds maybe thousands of times.  About ten days later, while sitting in my bedroom on the comfortable chair with the radio along side on the water radiator cover and bible in hand reading it; All of a sudden, I felt a very warm heat come down all over my head. The heat descended down through my entire body in a very slow way. The heat brought a lot of joy, peace and seance of ecstasy all over my body. I started praising the Lord out Lord in words of praise, thanks and worship. I could not stop nor did I want to stop speaking praise and thanks to Jesus as this overwhelming feelings of heated joy and great peace continued to vibrate inside my entire body.  This went on for the next three days. My parents had no Idea what happened to me. I only knew that it was God manifesting himself in me and upon me in a great way. As I listened to the radio, I heard some preacher talk about the Holy Spirit. As I read my Bible texts concerning the Holy Spirit, I realized this had to be the Baptism in the Holy Spirit that all the gospels and book of Acts talks about. It made perfect seance to me. This has proven out to be the Baptism in the Holy Spirit that Jesus Baptized me with that day in October 1979. It was a sovereign act of the Lord Jesus to Baptize me with the Holy Spirit that wonderful day on October. No hands where laid on me nor real text preaching from anyone on the subject when listening to radio but only some references to the Holy Spirit.  The Lord Jesus according to the will of the Heavenly Father sent and Baptized my in the Holy Spirit as he did on the Day of Pentecost and other accounts in the Book of Acts.

27. Now, about two weeks later in November 1979, I was Turning into bed for a nighs sleep. The radio was on like usual. I was resting in my bed when all of a sudden, I saw a silhouette of a man in garment like clothing from older biblical times. He was standing at the foot of my bed but above the Bed looking down upon me. Nothing was said but I even cleared my eyes to make sure I was not seeing something that was not there but it was there. The vision lasted only a minute and ceased. I thought nothing of it until the next day. The very next night after falling a sleep, all of a sudden, I saw a very clear vivid dream. In the dream, I saw three men standing above me and looking down upon me. In the middle of the three was the Lord Jesus Christ. He was wearing a long white robe garment down to his ankles. Both of this eyes where white flame of fire shinning without a flicker in the flames. He had white long shoulder length hair. ( I checked the Bible the next day on what I saw. I found several different texts in the Book of revelation of the description of the Lord Jesus when he appeared to the Apostle John, Rev.1:14, 2:18, 19:12. He is described in the same way except in the Revelation, the Lord has on a golden breastplate around himself.This breastplate is used when the Lord goes to war in the Revelation.) The Lord was dressed and looked was matched in the Book of Revelation. Jesus Christ had decided to appear to me for some divine reason that I would soon find out.

28.The two men standing with the Lord Jesus where on both sides of him. On the left and on the right side of Jesus. They where looking down upon me as the Lord looked down upon me. Each man was clothed in a long white robe type garment. Each man had long dark colored hair. Both men looked old in age facial features. They did not say a word but the Lord Jesus had some words to me. Jesus, the Messiah, the Word made Flesh, the Resurrected, Ascended to Heaven, Son of God, the founder and head of the Church of God was appointing me to the ministry. In essence, he instructed me to be clothed with righteousness of truth, your loins girded about with the knowledge of God's word. The dream lasted less than a minute. The next morning, I wrote down everything that I remembered of that first dream. I have those original notes today. 

29. This was the first dream of seven dreams given to me by the Lord. Each new dream followed the next night until the next night when another new vivid dream was given for a total of seven dreams. After the first dream, the six other dreams gave vivid details of my appointment to the ministry. The right hand and arm of God holding the earth in the solar system, the opened mouth preaching,the running man from the rider on the camel chasing him with sword and finding safely behind a large rock, the bull with yellow around the white candle flaming shinning eyes that did not flicker, the digging in the cave with shovel fulls of money in the dirt and putting it into the wheel barrow as another man ( black man) doing the same saying he see's Jesus behind me in working type clothing as I also saw him,the counting of the money pieces in the early century market under a tent and another man at the table using money balances to count the money yelling 10,000. The final dream showed a multicolored head crown with a large silver construction containing many precious shinning stones in the crown. Each dream had been carefully written down on paper the next morning. I have Biblical researched each dream to interpret each meaning. I have found each dream to be in line with scripture in the Bible with the meanings in the Holy texts. I know what each dream means!

30. All this happened in November 1979. I told no one about these dreams except a few times. The first was to my Evangelical Pastor who thought I had a call upon my life but I only told him about the first dream and not the other six dreams that followed.After many years in 1988, I told the ministerial licensing minister in North Carolina with the Church of God, Cleveland Tenn about the dreams. He was one of two ministers but the other minister got called out of the room when this detail came up. The present older minister did not challenge it but appeared to endorse it. Soon thereafter, I did receive those minister credentials. Now years later, I have a complete release in my spirit to speak freely about these incredible supernatural details. The Lord Jesus did appear and appoint me to some of Ephesians 4:11 ministry offices.  I'm now telling these details to the entire church and the world for the gospels sake during this end season time before the Lord returns for his church.

31. Since that time,other dreams from the Lord have been given to me over the decades for ministry information, prayer and work. There was one dream a few years ago in about 2010 when I saw a large golden ring that was similar to the ring I'm wearing now but much much better looking and more excellent Gold ( mine is karat). The hand of God showed my the new golden ring and took the ring and buried it in the ground about 100 feet from me. I Interpreted this dream that the Lord God has a new better golden ring for me to wear when or if I do the ministry work right and complete it right doing his will.
