Christian missionary radio evangelism

Veterans in Christ



                                VETERANS IN CHRIST      


        This means any countries military service. If your where Christian when you

        served or became Christian after military service then you are in this category.

        Our Lord and Saviour is Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha Mashiach. The Lord over all, 

        Captan of our Salvation, returning King over this world.


       Some active duty Christians may be viewing this web site. I hope that is the case

       because it would explain some of the web site web stats on

       unknown/non-available country/city locations of viewers. Maybe some are sailors

       out at sea or many others  on military installations around the globe.

       No problem, I understand the security precautions needed.

       You are welcome to this web site. I hope everyone

       gains encouragement and knowledge from this web site.


     This section recognizes all veteran and active duty Christians with a hand

     of fellowship. Only those of us who have been under military authority

     in any rank from enlisted to officer, either in peace time or war time can 

     understand the real pressures and responsibilities in this environment.

     As a Christian during military service, the temptations to slip and slide

    can happen any day. When that happens, the Lord is there to forgive and forget,

    if we repent and accept God's terms.  Read I John 1:9 for guidance.


    For the new Christian, please read the Gospel of John especially chapters 1-3.

   Then the book of Romans for understanding salvation and assurance then the Book

    of Acts for understanding the Holy Spirit in supernatural workings in the early

   church. The same supernatural happens in the 21st century church because Christ

    is Lord now and forever more.  


     Keeping faithful to the Lord's instructions is the goal of every believer. We all grow

     as we learn from the book of books the Bible, on how to live God's way.

    He will never leave us nor forsake us. So, let us not leave and forsake him in time

    of trial or testing. God will see us through our difficulties unto personal victory.


More to come.....