Christian missionary radio evangelism

Divine Healing

                                                   DIVINE HEALING


Go to on the homepage to hear messages on Divine Healing taught each week. There are over 150 fifteen minute messages on divine healing  taught over my radio broadcasts. These messages build faith before the prayer of faith for the sick is offered over radio. These message are uploaded to the system for your listening as often as you like.


This page is for readers who will take the time to think on God's word regarding Divine Healing.

Christians need to know God's will concerning Healing.

The Bible teachings on Divine Healing is for every believer in Christ.

Scripture texts will be listed for increasing knowledge which builds faith.

Scripture texts will be exegetically explained for clear understanding.

Biblical knowledge is increased then "Faith comes by hearing the word of God." Romans 10:17

Knowledge of God's word is increased, greater faith is built, prayers are spoken with intense meaning,

God answers through Christ our Lord, "The Great Physician."

We receive it, We live better, God gets the glory, God gets the credit, the church is edified, the World gets your testimony about Christ Jesus our Saviour.


Much more to come... Get ready for your Healing; Better Health God's Way!


There are excellent books written by proven men of God who where used to teach/preach Healing to the Church.

I have read/studied books on Divine Healing before and during two Bible Colleges and Graduate Divinity School.

Teach and preach on Divine Healing from the Biblical texts in the original language study on radio broadcasts.

Received healing in my own mind and body with the tangible presence of God's Holy Spirit several times while sitting under the ministry of other men of God used in spiritual gifting Also, received healing from the Lord with only my own prayers or prayers and fasting. I have read many times the below listed books.

Of course, the Biblical texts give us all the details on Divine Healing for the believer in Christ. Knowing these many texts is absolutely crucial to understanding God's will to heal his people: Jesus ministry to the sick, the conditions or requirements like forgiven sins, simple faith, the full meaning of salvation and body resurrection eternal life Healing.

Do not let "lack of knowledge" be your downfall. The Lord said "My people are destroyed for the lack of Knowldge... Hosea 4:6   " If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God that gives to all liberally and upbraids not and it shall be given him." James 1:5

I recommend these books:

1.F.F. Bosworth: Christ our Healer;

2.T.L. Osborn: Healing The Sick

3.Kenneth Hagin & Dr. McCrossan: Bodily Healing and the Atonement

4.Hugh Jeter: By His Stripes ( A Biblical Study on Divine Healing)

5.God's Word for Your Healing, A comprehensive Study Guide to

   Understanding Healing: by Harrison House


6.The Holy Bible, which is the source to look up the words: healing, heal, healed in Strongs Concordance on-line to obtaine all the texts on healing. Read, study, think, pray, believe and when needed go to the preacher who believes in Divine Healing or with a Ministry gifting of Healing.


Note: Healing can come from the Lord during Holy Communion Services.



More to come.....